BWs Vintage Collectibles

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Las Vegas is THE place to be this weekend..but buy a good sunscreen

Welcome, it is Saturday. LAS VEGAS:  My Home Owner's Association people never came back...maybe the incessant person read my blog. Las Vegas is the place to be this weekend, being Father's Day and's plenty hot, the resort pools are sparkling, the ice is in the glass...but before you go lay out in the sun, you need to slap on a good sunscreen.  I was reading up on the new sunscreen laws which were supposed to be passed this summer...I guess they were postponed until the end of the year?..because Manufacturer's said they couldn't make the new stuff fast enough?  Really?  not for our better health but because the MONEY loss to the companies making this stuff for months ahead of the season...apparently, there is a large stock of the stuff and they want to get rid of it first before they replace it with the new better health stuff?....need anymore proof FDA is a money generated rating factory up for grabs with more money?  In a nutshell, sunscreens aren't always keeping our best health in mind THIS summer.  To be safe, you have to look for sunscreens already complying with the new laws.  New rules:  (after the end of the year?) 1) Sunscreen labeled broad spectrum can only be marked if it passes tests against UVA and UVB;  2) Water resistant must state how long, 40 or 80 minutes;  3) no longer can claim sunscreen is waterproof or sweatproof;
and 4)  can no longer claim "sunblock".  Most sunscreens protect against sun BURN-UVB- but you also have to use one the works against SUN DAMAGE - UVA (cancer, wrinkles).  SPF 15 at a minimum, will block 93% of UVB; SPF 30 approximately 97%, so the difference is not significant enough to merit paying high dollars for the over SPF30.   Summary of a nutshell:   look for a BROAD SPECTRUM UVA and UVB, at least SPF15-30, apply 15 minutes before sun exposure with a handful of it so it soaks in.  SLIP SLOP SLAP.  Reapply every 2 hours, water or no water.  Of course, who's going to follower the rest of the suggestions, like wear a hat, extra clothing, and sit n the shade....that's just dumb--  unless you can find a lagoon in the shade or a hat that doesn't make you overheated...and a shirt that doesn't cover up your great swimsuit....Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, Uncles, grandfathers, brothers....I miss you dad and  never a day goes by that I don't think about you and your unselfishness.

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