BWs Vintage Collectibles

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sometimes it does not suck to be me -in Las Vegas

Some days are better than others when it comes to trying to find "new" items which are actually "old" items...but new to me! There are some weekends I drive -it seems-a hundred miles in and around estate sales, moving sales, garage sales, community sales...etc. back and forth, following signs blown backwards with arrows turned sideways...u-turns, accidental running of neighborhood stop signs...stopping to go potty in the fast food restaurants along the way...and getting more coffee...some days it just sucks to be me with a hobby I love...the hunt is somewhat similar to what a hunter must feel while bagging a duck, deer, pheasant....and sometimes going home empty handed.....BUT
but then there are the days when my first stop inside a thrift store will knock my socks off...tons of old, tons of mid-century, tons of history, and I remember back to a time of yesteryear and collect it, proudly display my finds to the cashier...pack it up carefully as if I had diamonds....bring it home and display my wares....catalogue, inspect, wash and dry....and I say to myself, "Yep, some days it just doesn't suck to be me!" 

-=brenda. BWs Vintage Collectibles.